Not another job interview (à l'état d'embauche)


Full cast and credits /

short movie
35mm, color, 1/85, 9'15 /

written and directed by /
produced by , Rezina Productions /

cast : Jean-Toussaint Bernard, Sarah Fuentes, Jean-Claude Dreyfus, Sébastien Siloret, Elodie Coussain /

stills and drawings of the film

(900 ko French) /
order the DVD (12€)

[ TV channel broadcast : TPS Cinéma (France), feb-may 2005 and 13e rue (France), may 2005 - dec 2006 / programmed by following festivals : Grenoble, Kiev, Sarlat, La Rochelle m'as-tu vu, Luxembourg and Evreux 2008 - international sales : Ouat Media]